Moon over the Monashee's...full moon rising looking East from Silver Star, Vernon BC

Forest Bath....Wells Gray Park BC

1: the 3 Amigos; Kip, Kya and Rio warming the bench on the KVR above Naramatta BC

2: Miss-understood...took this macro of a female black widow in my back yard. While I don't harm spiders, I do sometimes relocate them..

3: Catch it While You Can....Salmon Glacier near Hyder Alaska

4: just another mountain as seen from one of my favorite drives, #1A near Lake Louise

5: Castle Mt as seem from Route 1A near Lake Louise

6: Silver Star Village one cold Feb night...Vernon BC

7: empty pods...Silver Star Mt, Vernon BC

8: Ice sculptures on Wood Lake, Lake Country BC

9: Black Prince cabin at Sovereign Lake cross country ski area, Vernon BC

11: BX Cree Dam, a water collection reservoir once used to supply drinking water to the town of Vernon BC

12: downstream from the BX Creek Dam, Vernon BC

13: BX Creek Falls, Vernon BC

14: Naramatta Falls, Naramatta BC

15: Crazy Creek during spring runoff...near Revelstoke BC

16: Mutual Respect...somewhere Revelstoke and Golden BC

17: Mutual Respect...somewhere Revelstoke and Golden BC

18: Mutual Respect...somewhere Revelstoke and Golden BC

19: A pictograph painted on the rocks above Vaseaux Lake, BC

20: Cloudy and overcast but plenty of color...Otter Lake Spallumcheen BC

21: Evening at the tracks....Swan Lake, Vernon BC

22: Evening at the tracks....Swan Lake, Vernon BC

23: Penny for your thoughts...at the tracks....Swan Lake, Vernon BC

24: Morning at the tracks....Swan Lake, Vernon BC

25: Just above Fintry Falls..Vernon BC

26: Just above Fintry Falls..Vernon BC

27: wild weather across Okanagan Lake..Vernon BC

28: BX Creek Falls, Vernon BC

29: partial moon...taken from Vernon BC

30: McIntyre Bluffs looking South from Vaseaux Lake BC

31: Root 66...a gem on a rural property near OK Falls BC

32: Mahoney Lake near OK Falls BC

33: one of the 4 weirs (drop structures) used to slow the water down between Skaha and Vaseaux Lake BC

34: Comet Neo...taken near Armstrong BC

35: Comet Neo...taken near Armstrong BC

36: Aberdeen Columns near Vernon BC

37: Comet Neo...taken near Armstrong BC

38: Comet Neo...taken near Armstrong BC

39: the slow arc of a Westjet flight from Kelowna to Vancouver BC

40: Kip enjoying Kalamalka Lake BC

41: Natural Bridge, Yoho National Park BC

42: Natural Bridge, Yoho National Park BC

43: Natural Bridge, Yoho National Park BC

44: Natural Bridge, Yoho National Park BC

45: Where the Rivers Meet..Yoho National Park Bc

46: Kaslo River...Kaslo BC

47: Kaslo River...Kaslo BC

48: Star Trails...very long exposure taken while camping at Rosebury BC

49: Wee Sandy Creek...Valhalla Provincial Park near New Denver BC

50: Hemlcken Falls from the less travelled Rim Trail, Well Gray Park, BC

51: Dawson Falls, Wells Gray Park BC

53: Sticta Falls..Wells Gray Park BC

54: End of the Line...this guy isn't going ant farther at Bailey's Shute, Wells Gray Park BC

55: Fall in Coldstream BC

56: Abstract Orchard...ICM (intentional Camera Movement) of apple orchards in Coldstream BC

57: Abstract Orchard...ICM (intentional Camera Movement) of apple orchards in Coldstream BC

58: Early snow in the orchards of Vernon BC

59: part of the Kettle Valley Railway (KVR) on the Tulameen River North of Princeton BC

60: part of the Kettle Valley Railway (KVR) on the Tulameen River North of Princeton BC

61: Haynes Ranch homestead near Osoyoos BC

63: winter at Natural Bridge...Yoho National Park BC

64: winter at Natural Bridge...Yoho National Park BC

65: winter at Natural Bridge...Yoho National Park BC

66: winter at Natural Bridge...Yoho National Park BC